Happy Mother's Day!

Today is my fourth Mother's Day after cancer. I was diagnosed a month before Mother's Day in 2012 and to be honest I wasn't sure I would still be here today...but I am. And for that I am grateful. Cruz was just 5 years old and in kindergarten and now he's almost 9 years old and on his way to fourth grade. We had a rough start, Cruz and I. I feel like I've been fighting to live since the day he was born. As some of you may already know, I almost bled to death on the day he was born. I lost most of the blood that circulated my body and ended up needing multiple blood transfusions, IV fluids, intubation, a partial hysterectomy and a one night stay in the ICU with another 4 days on the maternity unit. Fortunately Cruz was a healthy baby boy with no medical problems. That day I lost my ability to ever be pregnant again but I was lucky enough to be the mother of my Cruz and at that time the doctors made a point to tell me that technically I could still have biological ch...