One Year Older!
One week ago, on August 12 I turned one year older! This is actually kind of exciting because I didn't think I would be here today when they told me I had Metastatic Cancer 3 years ago. I remember them saying that statistics show that the average life span after diagnosis is 2 years. So, yeah, I am happy to get the opportunity to get older. Of course....can you tell my body to stay looking young please? I want to get older but still look 25 without surgery. If only chemo and targeted therapies had restorative properties that kept our bodies from aging without dying. I mean, if it's going to make us feel like shit, it could at least help us look amazing. But no. Instead it makes us feel and look like shit. At least I'm still alive though and I hope to get older. I also hope to have at least one more party on my birthday in my lifetime. I think I've only had about 2 real birthday parties in my life. One when I was 7 and of course when I was 15 I had my quince ñera. I didn...