Halloween at the Cancer Infusion Center

I spent the first part of my Halloween at appointments. One of them happened to be my infusion of Perjeta & Herceptin. Most of the staff were dressed up in Halloween costumes which made it kind of fun to be there. I put on my cat ears to show a little Halloween spirit during my infusion. Of course I got very drowsy after I got my Benadryl and I slept on and off until I got home. I want to say thank you to one of my friends for taking me to my appointments. Obviously I can’t drive after getting Benadryl. I would probably fall asleep while driving and that’s not good. I have a love/hate relationship with my infusions. I love talking to the staff and knowing that I’m doing everything I can to keep cancer out of my life but I also hate the fact that I have to do it in the first place. Life was so much simpler before cancer but this is the life I’ve been dealt and I just have to enjoy the time that I do have here with my son. I’m trying to live life in the present.

When I got home after my infusion I picked my son up from school and took him to the park for about half an hour before we went home so he could do his homework before trick or treating. Before trick or treating he went to a birthday party. I swear, he has a busier social life than I do. My social life consists of doctor appointments and work.  Every once in awhile I get to go out with friends but everyone has a busy life and it’s difficult to coordinate free time. I think for couples it’s a lot easier because they have each other and most of the time they go out with other couples. Single people my age have a harder time getting together with friends because sometimes they end up feeling like the third wheel when going out with couples. That’s why a girls night out is always a fun option when people have the time. I guess it’s important to make the time though so I’ll definitely work on that. Living with cancer doesn’t have to be depressing. I’m going to enjoy life one day at a time. J

With my cat ears getting my infusion. Happy Halloween!


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