Hair Obsessed!

Sometimes I miss wearing scarves on my head. It doesn't quite work as well with hair or hair extensions but having no hair makes getting ready in the morning so much faster. It felt kind of nice to just get up in the morning and not have to straighten my hair or make sure my curls didn't get out of control. It easily shaved off 20 minutes off my morning routine. At the same time I am having some serious hair envy. I find that I stare at women's hair a lot. I wish I had long, thick, curly hair that was my very own. I used to have the long curly hair but it wasn't exactly thick. It just had a lot of volume. I kind of didn't expect to ever have long hair again because doctors always made me feel like I would be on some kind of chemo until I die but since I'm doing so well I haven't needed the "strong stuff" for over a year. So now, I feel like I actually have a chance to have long hair again, if even for a short while.

The only part that is frustrating is that I feel like it's growing soooo slooowly. I read other blogs and see pictures and I definitely feel like their hair is growing so much faster and thicker than mine. So, yes, I'm kind of jealous but I guess in the grand scheme of things I'm just happy to still be alive. The medication I'm on isn't so bad but yes, it does make my nails brittle and I also think it's part of the reason why my hair isn't growing as thick and fast as I would like. I'm just going to try to be patient because I know eventually I will feel comfortable with it. Most people don't even realize that I'm wearing extensions right now anyway so I'm happy. 

Actually, ever since I got my NED news a few weeks back I've just been feeling really happy. I'm happy that I get to spend more time with Cruz and happy that I'm one step closer to watching him grow up to be a young man. Hopefully by then, I'll have my long, beautiful curly hair back.


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