Lovenox Cancerversary
These are my war wounds. I have so many bruises due to my blood thinners and these are just on one side of my leg. My stomach is a little bit worse but that's only because that's where my shots go. It actually hurts to wear pants because they sit right on the bruises. I've officially been on Lovenox for 2 years now. On 9/12/12 it was discovered that I had a pulmonary emobolism after a routine PET-CT scan and for 6 months I gave myself 2 shots a day for a total of 120 mg. Now I just take 80mg once a day...indefinitely. Sometimes I wish I didn't have to give myself shots anymore but at the same time I'm so scared to stop. I've seen people die from PE's and that is NOT the way I want to go.
For some reason cancer patients are just more prone to develop blood clots and I just so happened to be one of the lucky winners of a blood clot that could've killed me if I wasn't getting regular scans. I had NO symptoms whatsoever. Kind of scary. At the time I was getting scans every two months for the clinical trial so I'm so happy that the scan picked it up. It would've sucked to have developed symptoms before it was found. You may ask why I don't switch to pills like Coumadin but you have to be monitored when you're on Coumadin and have frequent lab draws. I already spend enough time at the doctors office and I don't have time for more appointments. There are other pills too, such as Xarelto but to be honest I just think that Lovenox is the safest option for me even if it means sticking myself with a needle every day. I know I've talked about this before but it's just so strange to think about all these cancerversaries.
I'm still in disbelief sometimes that this is happening to me. Is this real? Is this really happening? Is this really my life? It is. Unfortunately, this IS MY LIFE. I'm just thankful that for now I am stable. The cancer is not growing and I hope it stays that way for a LONG time. Especially now that my hair seems to finally be growing.
You're a strong woman and I don't think I would be able to deal with it and this is why I'm so scared to go see a doctor, I'm afraid I'm going to heat that I have the c word. Just like that young woman Brittany Maynard who moved to Oregon to die with dignity. Idk if you heard about her but that is so sad and I think about her everyday. It makes me wanna live everyday like it's my last. Just stay strong beautiful