I officially have my Bachelor's Degree in Nursing! They mailed it to me and I received it on Wednesday. It's kind of exciting! I now have a Bachelor of Arts in History with a Politics minor and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. (I know...completely different!) And I won't exclude my Associates Degree in Nursing, that was a lot of work and I'm not gonna leave it out. I actually appreciate my Associates Degree because I feel as though it prepared me for the hospital setting a little more than a Bachelor's degree would have if I had done it from the start because it gave me more practical skills training compared to theory. Hands on training is extremely important! Sorry if it sounds like I'm bragging but I'm just so excited. Plus, growing up the way I did, I feel as though this is a BIG accomplishment. I'm the daughter of Mexican immigrants who had very little opportunity for education. I'm one of 6 children that grew up in a 2 bedroom duplex that didn't know a word of English until I started preschool. I won't even begin to describe the hardships my parents went through to give me and my siblings a better life or the many difficult situations that I myself witnessed. Let's just say that we were given very little chance of success but here I am. I made it.

I made it through living in poverty. I made it through almost dying during Cruz's birth. And I've made it past the 2 year survival statistic of living with Metastatic breast cancer. And now I'm crazy enough to continue school to get my Master's Degree. All while still on my FOREVER cancer treatment. Some days I'm so exhausted that I can't even stay awake while doing my homework but I have to keep going. I've made it too far to quit. I do want to say thanks to Cruz's dad for paying for my education for my nursing degree. I wouldn't be where I am without his help. And I thank my parents for somehow giving me the drive and motivation to do this. I want to be the best example possible for Cruz and I really hope I'm doing a good job.  


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