
I am home from the hospital and feeling ok. Surgery went as good as it can go. I had a lot of nausea coming out of anesthesia so I had to get an intramuscular injection of some very strong anti-nausea medication and it worked so well but now my arm still hurts. It feels as though I just got a tetanus shot. My incisions look good but I managed to get a huge rash that covers my chest. I have a feeling that they used chlorhexidine to clean the surgical site which I am allergic to. I told them many times that I’m allergic but who knows; maybe they used something else. I just emailed my surgeon to find out what they used during surgery that could have caused my rash. It’s unbearable right now; it’s all I can think about and it’s so hard trying not to scratch it. I also have been having an ongoing headache all day and it’s getting really annoying. I just want to feel good. No rash, no headache, no pain. I stayed one night in the hospital and I have to say that all my nurses were super nice. I had my own private room and my nurses actually let me sleep at night instead of constantly going in and out of the room. I also had my first experience trying to pee in a bedpan. The recovery nurse was afraid to let me walk so she got me a bedpan but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t pee in it. I made them get me up to take me to the bathroom. That was the worst part about the hospital. Not being able to go pee on my own at the beginning. I can certainly relate to my patients now. I was so glad when they finally told me I was ok to walk to the bathroom independently because when I’m on IV fluids I have to pee constantly. Although my hospital stay was comfortable I was happy when I was able to come home yesterday because it was Cruz’s birthday and I’d rather spend my day with him. I love him so much. 


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