Boob Tan

So, my breast is officially tanned from the radiation. It’s slightly pink under my arm but so far my skin doesn’t look too bad. I’ll just keep putting on the Aquaphor and hope for the best. I am starting to feel a little fatigue but not too bad. Yesterday I went to my infusion of Perjeta and Herceptin at UCSF and I pretty much slept off and on afterwards. I’m still tired this morning though because ever since my cancer diagnosis I have insomnia. I never sleep longer than 3 hours without waking up. Not fun. With cancer comes a fear of going to sleep which I will talk about in a future post. For now, I’ll just continue to take care of my skin as much as I can to prevent it from peeling. 14 down, 16 more to go!


  1. I'm sorry to hear you have a fear of going to sleep. Do write more, maybe it will help?

    Almost half way through radiation is a very good thing. Sounds like your skin is so far coping well. That's great. My skin recovered well after radiation, but the colour is slightly different and I suppose may always be. But it is hardly noticeable. I hope yours is the same.

    Good luck with the rest, you are getting there. ~Catherine

  2. Catherine,

    I hope so too. I will definitely write more about the psychological effects of cancer. In a way it kind of feels like post traumatic stress disorder except with Stage IV cancer it's not really a "post". It's an ongoing battle. Thank you for continuing to read my blog and I'm really enjoying reading yours as well.


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