
I recently had my heart checked by having an echocardiogram. Both Herceptin and Perjeta are known to cause heart failure so I have to have my heart checked every 3 months or so. So far, my heart is doing great. A few weeks ago I had a medication interaction between two of my medications which caused me to have an irregular heart rhythm. Very scary. I went to my primary doctor but no one could figure out what was wrong. I basically figured it out on my own and stopped taking the least important medication and now I feel fine. It’s a nerve wracking situation because you never know which medications are bad for you until you try them. I long for the simpler days. The days where I didn’t have to worry about medications, toxicity, heart failure, doctor’s appointments and death. I’m still young. I should be enjoying my 30’s without having to think about these things at all.

I have to say that it’s not always doom and gloom either. There are many times when I don’t even think about cancer. I love those times. Being with friends and family helps me forget about cancer once in awhile. If I do talk about cancer to friends it’s usually in a matter of fact kind of way. I feel like I’m becoming an expert now with all the terminology and I enjoy helping others understand these terms a little bit better, at least from my perspective. If you have any concerning questions please ask your physician.

I would like to point out that I am certainly not trying to make anyone feel sorry for me and I apologize if anyone ever feels that way. My only intention is to help others by sharing my story in case they or someone they know ever has the misfortune of fighting this horrible disease. Which is why I decided to do the scarf tutorial at the suggestion of an awesome reader and fellow blogger. I hope you guys enjoyed it! I will continue to keep you updated and I am also going to ask for your prayers. I have a scan coming up soon, not telling you when because it causes me major scanxiety, but I really do need positive thoughts that all will go well. I want to stay NED for as long as possible so I can make my goal of watching my son graduate high school. 


  1. Hi Catalina! I have a quick question about your blog, could you email me when you have a chance? Thanks! -Cameron

    1. If you'd like you can send me an email at with your question and I'll email you back. :)


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