Sticks and Stones

Recently I’ve learned a lot of things about people in my life and I am trying to make an effort to keep away from negativity. Negativity stresses me out and stress is the last thing I need. Someone recently tried to say that karma is the reason I have cancer which left me kind of in shock. I’ll admit I’m not perfect but I definitely don’t think I or anyone deserves cancer. If that’s the way karma worked then why do so many great people get sick and die young, while many evil ones get to live well into old age? The comment made me very upset at the time but now I realize that I have to make an effort not to let negativity like that get me down. Life is too short to worry about what other people think. Maybe they didn’t mean for it to sound the way it did or at least that’s what I’m hoping, but the lesson here is to really think about your words before they come out of your mouth. Another example is talking about how you know someone that died of cancer to someone that has cancer. Although we’re sorry to hear that you lost someone to this stupid disease, we kind of want to hear survival stories even if it may not apply to us. Don’t worry, I’m not talking about anyone specific but I notice that I hear these types of comments a lot. 

Also, please compliment each other whenever possible. Nice words go a long way especially for someone who is sick or going through difficult times. I really looked and felt horrible while going through chemo but it’s nice to have someone tell you that you look great even though you don’t. I had gained weight on chemo, had the moon face from the steroids and an acne like rash on my face, scalp and hands. Not pretty, but if you really love someone then you’ll take them in sickness and in health and try your best to make them feel pretty. Otherwise, you kind of feel rejected which just adds to the stress.

As of now, I’ve lost the weight I gained but I’m just not used to having such short hair. Friends and family are doing a great job of helping me get over the uneasiness I have of my short hair though. I may get hair extensions. Not completely sure about it yet but I’m really liking the idea if only for a short time until my hair grows out a little more. But for now here’s a pic of what my hair looks like now. 

Curly hair. :)
My forehead looks kind of big because I was leaning my head down to show the top so you can see the curls. It was kind of hard to see in previous pics because my hair is so dark. I feel like my short hair makes me look older or maybe it's because I am getting older. In my defense though I still get asked for my ID when I go to a bar sometimes which is always a compliment. 


  1. You look great! I'm sorry that people are stupid and say stuff like that.

  2. Thanks Misty! Really making an effort not to let those comments hurt me anymore.

  3. I am a Breast Cancer survivor too! You look amazing! Your positive attitude will help so many people, you do not realize the impact it has until later when people tell you how much it encouraged them. Keep up the fight! Your hair is great, and it will grow, the curls make it look shorter than it is. I had my first real hair cut this summer and it was amazing made me feel like I had won another part of the race. I wore and still wear headbands to help give me a little style. A couple tricks a friend of my taught me to keep the curls curls and not frizz are: never scrub your hair, push the soap thru and rinse the same way. I use Fructis Sleek & Shine Anti-Frizz Serum every day to keep my curls in line. When I blow dry my hair I use a diffuser. For fun, try spiking it up? You are an inspiration to those who are watching you fight this battle, keep it up!

    1. Thanks! I will definitely keep all these suggestions in mind.


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