7 radiation treatments down, 23 more to go. So far I’m not
having any side effects but I was told to expect side effects after about 2
weeks. I have been feeling pain in my liver though which scares me.
Occasionally my liver hurts and the doctors are not sure why since all my scans
have come back NED since last November. Maybe it’s just damage from chemo or it
could be the cancer coming back which is my biggest fear. Maybe it’s all the
stress from the past month and a half. Who knows. I’m trying not to let my
fears take over but at night it’s really difficult not to let my mind wander to
those thoughts. During the day I’m distracted so I don’t think about it as
My most beautiful distraction is my son. I love being home
from work and spending all this time with him. Walking him to and from school,
taking him to the park, helping him with his homework, and being able to go to
ALL of his soccer games is the best. Of course, he still has his moments of
moodiness but I still love him. I have to enjoy these moments because in less
than 2 months I have to go back to work. Just thinking about it makes me miss
him. I usually work in the evenings but I am really hoping to find something in
the daytime because that would work best with his school schedule. I do love my
job. I have to think long term though and spending time with my son is
priority. My boss has been very understanding of my situation and I am so
grateful for that. I know that if she could give me a day shift she would but
for now I just have to wait and be patient I guess. My co-workers have been
awesome as well by showing me support. So, thank you guys!
For now I am just trying not to focus too much on the pain. I
have a scan coming up in October so I’ll know for sure if anything is going on
in my liver. Let’s all hope that I am still NED. That would be the best news. I
don’t have time to die young. I’m certain that something good is coming my way though,
because I keep seeing shooting stars. So everyone send some positive energy my
way. I would very much appreciate it. J
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