I Guess Work Isn't So Bad

I've been back at work for 2 days now and I guess it isn't that bad. I still miss my son when I work in the evening especially since he's sick. I wish I could stay home and take care of him but I gotta work. I really enjoy working a day shift and I wish all of my shifts were day shifts but I have to be patient. It will come to me. Things can only get better from here, right? I know that I really should be trying to go to sleep right now but it takes awhile to wind down after working. Later today I have to go to UCSF to get my Herceptin & Perjeta infusion with a dash of Benadryl. Hopefully I'm not too sleepy to take my son trick or treating but I guess now it depends how sick he's feeling later. He's happy just passing out the candy though so it wouldn't be too devastating for him to not go trick or treating. We'll just see how it goes later. I really need to try and sleep.


  1. Sweet dreams to you. It is good to hear work is OK. I hope your son feels better soon.


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