Faith, Positivity and Family

I have been questioning my faith a lot lately. It just seems like I keep getting something bad thrown at me constantly. Just when I think things are looking up, things just go downhill. You know that saying “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle”, well, I hate it. It’s kind of bullshit. I’m sorry, but it’s not nice to pick on one person over and over again. Wasn’t getting metastatic breast cancer enough? So, God, if you’re listening, can you please send something good my way (Preferably a guy with a six pack that knows how to take care of a woman, Lol)? On a serious note though, I’m asking for your help here. I really need you in my life right now to help get me through these tough times with the strength of Wonder Woman because the last thing I need is stress and the end of the week last week was full of it.

At least I got to spend time with family this weekend which really did help relax me after a horrible Friday.  My son wanted to go see his cousins and we had a great time.  I welcomed the distraction and love seeing my son enjoying quality time with family.  The kids even put on a light show for us.  My niece taped glow sticks on her arms and legs to re-create the Youtube video of the baby with LED lights.  It was really cute.  I love seeing the kids play together because it reminds me of when I was little and played with my brothers, sisters, and cousins.  We had so much fun together.  We were poor but we knew how to make the best of it. 

My mom also gave me a recipe for a veggie/fruit smoothie which I will be incorporating into my diet every day. She says it will help keep my liver healthy which I need so I can keep the cancer away. I need to be healthier with my diet.  All this stress is taking away my appetite but I really need to start eating better. So, tomorrow will be grocery shopping day after work. My son and I already came up with a grocery list because we have ideas of different meals to make for dinner this week and he wants to help. It’s going to be interesting but fun and hopefully there will be more positive influence this week.  I have my infusion of Perjeta/Herceptin this week so I need to go into it with positive thoughts. J


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