I Need a Vacation

I've been having a lot of neuropathy in my fingers and toes today. It's a lot of tingling and burning sensations that get really annoying. Just taking a warm shower felt uncomfortable in my toes. The tingling kind of feels like when your hands fall asleep but slightly different. I guess I should be happy that they don't hurt anymore. When I was on chemo, my feet would hurt so badly especially at night that I couldn't stand having the blankets touch my feet. I just really don't like the burning sensation. 

I've also been feeling so tired lately. Between work and insomnia I'm not getting as much sleep as I would like. Today was my day off so as soon as I dropped off my son at school I came back home and took a nap. I probably could have run some errands but I just really wanted to sleep. I need to start taking better care of myself. Between having no sleep, stress and eating less due to stress, I could really hurt my immune system. I'm starting to lose more weight. I could feel it because my skinny jeans are starting to fit loose. That's not a good thing (for the most part). 

I think I want a little mini vacation with my son so that we can de-stress. We both need to get away to relax and just have fun. Too much has happened in the last few months, actually in the last year and a half. The past couple of months have been really tough though on the both of us so even if it's just for a weekend, I'm going to take us somewhere. We really do deserve it and hopefully I won't be feeling this burning in my toes. J  I also thought I'd share these pics of us as babies since we're the two musketeers right now. I think we look a lot alike.

Me as a baby. Very serious pic.

My baby. I think he looks like me. That's where he gets his good looks. ;)

What do you think? 


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