All I Want for Christmas

All I want for Christmas is to have a clear scan this coming January and to spend many years with my son. The biggest Christmas wish I have is a cure for cancer but that dream seems too big, doesn't it? I don't think we're even close to a cure but we can still hope. Hopefully by the time my grandchildren are grown there will be a cure. For now all I can hope for is that more medications are discovered so that I could live like this and manage this cancer like a chronic disease. That's what the doctors tell me, but cancer seems like a pretty f***ed up disease to live with. Even with all the medications available most people with Stage IV cancer don't make it past 5 years and that's not acceptable to me. Scientists have made a lot of progress with medications for HIV and you see many people affected by it live for many years. There are people with Stage IV cancer that live 20+ years but that is very rare. I hope that I am one of those people because there are many...