
I'm having a down day. It started off good. I got a Daisy Award at work which is a form of appreciation for a job well done. I was nominated by a patient which is so sweet. But all of a sudden I was overcome with sadness after I got home from work. The holidays are fun but at the same time it can bring back sad memories as well as make me think too much about the future. All of these thoughts can be overwhelming. It's just not fair. If this only happens to strong people then I don't want to be strong anymore. I just want to be "normal". Maybe this is all just a test. Who knows but I'm tired of being tested over and over again. This is the evil work of cancer. It really messes with your head. It's just too many changes  recently and I feel like nobody truly understands. I really have to get away somewhere. I keep having nightmares and I really want to forget them. I'm just tired but definitely not ready to give up. Gonna keep fighting and moving forward. :)


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