
So, I had my PET-CT scan today and I have to say that despite the delays this was the most relaxing scan I've ever had thanks to my 1mg of Ativan. As usual, I changed into my lovely hospital attire and waited for them to start my IV. I never let them use my port to inject the radioactive isotope or the contrast dye because sometimes it can clog the port. I notice that the nurse is about to open a tegaderm package and I politely tell him that I'm allergic to tegaderm so he uses gauze and tape instead which made for a lovely IV.

I then had to wait an entire hour to get injected with the isotope because apparently they were all delivered late that morning plus the machine was acting up and they weren't sure I was going to be able to have the scan that day. Thank God, the machine was fixed and I was injected with the isotope and also 20mg Lasix which I had never had before for the scan. Obviously I asked them "why the Lasix" and they said because it gives them a clearer picture of the pelvis. So I drank my water bottle and spent the next hour going to the bathroom about a million times and enjoyed the company of my friend Karen who did all the talking as I wasn't allowed to speak. Very entertaining and apparently so was my locker key attached to a piece of orange plastic. But then it was time. 

By then I was so sleepy and kind of off balance. I got strapped into the machine and it started. The contrast dye went in which made me feel extremely flushed and made my heart race (which really freaks me out), I was told to hold my breath for a few seconds and the CT portion was done. The PET portion lasted another 25 minutes and I spent every one of those minutes fast asleep. Thank you Ativan. Makes it go by so much faster. I then changed and Karen and I had some lunch and coffee, decaf for me since I'm not allowed to have caffiene today. 

I made sure to email my doctor and her nurse practitioner to remind them that I had the scan today so that they can please call me with results before the weekend. Which......they did!
At 4pm (while I was trying not to pass out in Karen's car) they called but I didn't hear my phone ring but they left a message:


Great news right! I'm so happy! I did email my doctor again to call me back because I want to hear it in person. But thank God she called me back today. It's torture having to wait. So now, I have to go celebrate! Anyone wanna join!  Below is how I felt today. I was definitely radioactive. :)


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