Great Weekend

I had such a great weekend and I wish every day was just like this. Being around family is the best. Cruz always has such a good time playing with his cousins and I wish they could hang out more often. Being close to family provides the emotional support that we don't really have out here which is important when thinking about Cruz's future. I only want what's best for him because he means the world to me. I want him to have good family values so that he grows up to be a good father and husband someday. I don't want him to think that women are expendable. Is that too much to ask? I want him to have respect for the woman he marries someday and doesn't walk away when a difficult situation arises. Sometimes I even feel like I should start going back to church. I'm still thinking about that one though? We'll see.

This weekend I also got to hang out with my cousins that I haven't been able to see for awhile. We were so close when we were little but then we all kind of went our separate ways as situations arose and I moved away. I also got to see my Aunt who is really sick in the hospital right now. Unfortunately, it turns out that her breast cancer is not a Stage III but is instead a Stage IV with metastases to the liver and bones. She's in the hospital for pain control as well as having pneumonia. So I'm asking for prayers for her and my cousins. They need a lot of emotional support at the moment. 

All of these types of events makes me wish we could have a family reunion. There are so many family members that I want to see. I should start saving some money to make some trips. I really want to go to Mexico to see my family and I want them all to meet Cruz too. So many things on my list....One day....


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