
Please God help me get through these difficult times and not let anyone bring me down. Help me be strong for Cruz and give me guidance over what I should do about being closer to my family. Help me be here for Cruz for a long time as I am the only positive influence in his life at the moment and the only one who takes care of him. May only positive energy enter my home so that Cruz and I can enjoy our time together as I watch him grow up. Please stand by my side and give me strength over the next month as I have some very important days coming up that will affect mine and Cruz's life forever. Please help me win this fight as it is the best thing for Cruz. And please shine your light onto someone close to me and let some compassion enter his heart. Help me learn to forgive. Also, please take care of my sister and let her see the light so that she may fight for her survival in the best interest of her daughter. Amen. 


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