A Lifetime Condition

I recently had to have my oncologist fill out some paperwork for me and there was one section that really got to me. It asked for the duration of my condition and the answer was Lifetime.

It kind of sucks that it's true. I'm going to deal with this for the rest of my life. Kind of depressing, right? The good thing though is that the paperwork is helping my quality of life. Having cancer causes a lot of stress, pain and fatigue so there's no way I can work 5 days a week. Not to mention the multiple doctor's appointments that I need to make time for. So, I never really have time off. Doctor's offices are my second home.

I had my infusion of Herceptin and Perjeta yesterday and I feel like I'm still feeling the effects. I'm so tired and all I want to do is sleep but good sleep never comes to me. I wake up at least every 2 hours and I've been having a lot of nightmares lately. I've also been having a lot of neuropathy today so my hands have been feeling funny. And then there's the liver, breast and shoulder pain for the past 3 days. Ouch! That's all I have to say. 

At least I was able to go to Cruz's baseball game yesterday and I managed to stay awake despite feeling drowsy after my infusion. I love watching him play and seeing him happy. I love the fact that I get to spend more time with him now that I work day shifts. I want to make as many memories with him as I possibly can. I just hope that my next scan brings good news once again. So, wish me luck. It's still a few weeks away but it doesn't hurt to start sending me positive energy starting now. 


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