Making the Best of April

April is not a good month for me. It's full of cancerversaries. On April 6 I found the lump that would change my life forever. On April 12 I got what I thought was the worst news of my life; I had breast cancer. On April 26 I got even worse news; I had metastatic breast cancer AND it's INCURABLE. So yeah, April sucks! I try my best not to think about it too much and try to enjoy my life as much as possible but it can be difficult. I have to say that I do have moments when I do feel "normal". It feels really good when I have those days and despite this being a terrible month for me, today was one of those days. I got to spend my time after work watching Cruz play baseball and that's so much better than thinking about cancer. In fact I had completely forgotten about the meaning of April 6 until just a few minutes ago. I guess that's showing some progress. I hope to have many more days like this. My biggest wish is for Cruz and I to be happy and to enjoy our time together as much as possible.

Love this pic!


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