Random Thoughts

This post consists of random thoughts that have come to my mind recently. I watched the show True Tori last night on my computer. I'm sure many people know the story of how Tori Spelling's husband cheated on her so now she has a show documenting them working on their marriage. I have so many thoughts on this subject. Her specific situation is just a little bit different. While no one deserves to be cheated on, you kind of have to take into account how their relationship started in the first place. Both Tori and her husband cheated on their previous spouses with each other so their relationship started with deception in the first place. I'm not sure how you can truly trust someone when you know their history of cheating. Did she really think she would be the exception? It is terrible though because like I said before; no one deserves to be cheated on. So, I kind of feel sorry for her.

I'm not sure why people cheat or why people become involved with people who are already involved in a relationship especially when there's children involved. Do they enjoy breaking up a family? How is it possible that they can feel good about themselves? And then how can the other person stay with the cheater after they admit to cheating on them as well?

Which brings me to Angelina Jolie. While she's doing a good thing by getting a mastectomy and possible further surgery to prevent cancer from growing in her body since she has the breast cancer gene, I just can't seem to admire her at all. Even if her current husband and his ex wife were having problems, it doesn't make it okay to start dating a married man. I know way too many people that have gone through this situation to feel any sympathy for cheaters. I can relate to Tori's feelings of confusion though. You want to make things work because you love them and you have children together but those feelings of trust are just gone. We deserve to be respected.

And now there's that new movie coming out called The Other Woman. It sounds like a funny movie because who doesn't want to see a cheater get what they deserve. I just wish people would think about what they're doing before they hurt someone they claim to love. And to all the "other women" out there, please think about what you're doing if you know the guy is involved with someone. They're already cheating on the mother of their children, do you really think they won't cheat on you too? Do you feel good about tearing a family apart? And don't forget he cheated on you too. Get some self respect and move on. You deserve better. Just like I deserve a man that puts his family first and offers me support during one of the most difficult times of my life. Someone that doesn't wish me gone but prays that I will live and stands by my side through everything. 


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