That's Right Bitches! NED!

So, I had my PET-CT scan yesterday and the results are:


1. No evidence of metastatic disease.

That's right bitches! NED! The above two lines were taken straight out of the report. Let's all breathe a sigh of relief. Breathe in, breathe out. Clear for another 3 months. I'm so excited! When I started this stupid journey I never thought that I would be able to be NED for so long. All the research points to a survival rate of 2 years. 2 years! Can you believe it? I just had my 2 year cancerversary in April. I've officially made it 2 years and hopefully I'll have many more because that means I'm still here. So, too bad for my ex but he's not getting rid of me anytime soon. 

I'm hoping and praying that I will continue to be NED as long as I possibly can because I know that once the cancer returns it'll be a never-ending process of changing treatments as the cancer becomes smarter. For now my treatments are working and my heart is still working so I will continue my current treatments until they stop working. My ejection fraction in my heart is between 65-70% so that's good too since my medications cause heart failure. All of this is such great news and it fills me with happiness. I want to emphasize though that this DOES NOT mean I don't need help or support anymore. I still have treatments to go to, doctors appointments and I still have fatigue from my treatments. I would appreciate all the help I can get, especially since I'm all alone out here in Sonoma County. My closest family member lives in San Francisco but she doesn't own a car or know how to drive. And unfortunately the person I thought was my best friend and partner has chosen to leave my side. So, it's just me and Cruz.

I want to thank one of my friends who battled cancer a few years ago for sending me a book in the mail called THE RED DEVIL To Hell with Cancer-and Back. I've been wanting to read this book because the author was able to live with metastatic breast cancer for about 18 years but began her battle 25 years before it ended. Hopefully this will give me the inspiration I need to keep fighting and hope that I too will make it 25 years.


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