Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! Feliz Dia de las Madres! I had a nice time with Cruz yesterday even though I had a headache and wasn't feeling too great. I managed to be able to take him to get some ice cream and enjoyed the evening watching a movie with my baby. When I got home from work today I found a nice vase of beautiful flowers on my doorstep, which smell wonderful by the way. Overall it was a really good weekend. I think I'm starting to learn that I need to start going after what I deserve. I need to put my feelings aside because "he" will never care and I deserve better than that. I really don't have time to waste on someone that walks away when their significant other has cancer. And if she knows the whole truth or believes in his untruths and still wants to be with him then they deserve each other. Time to move on because I know that there is something or someone better waiting for me.

For now I'm happy to enjoy my time with Cruz and I know that only time will heal me emotionally even if not physically. I just really wish I could go on vacation but I can't because I used up all my time off when I went on my medical leave last year. I need to start saving up my time but there are too many appointments. It'll happen...eventually. Until next time please enjoy this pic. :)

My pregnant mom holding me as a baby.


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