Dreams and Working Out

I had a dream last night that my hair was so long it reached my waist. It felt really real but like all dreams it faded into reality when I woke up. I miss my hair but at least I can put it up in a tiny pony tail which is what I did today so I could work out. My workouts are very sporadic and I really need to get back into it. I definitely need to build my endurance. I feel like I'm out of breath so quickly. This used to happen before I even knew I had cancer. I used to work out 4-5 times a week at home and there were days when I would get so exhausted that I couldn't keep my eyes open. I told the doctor about it but they would just check me for anemia and of course blood tests always came out fine. Oh well, can't change the past. 

For now, I just want to know what it feels like to make it through a workout without stopping and feeling my hair down my back. Everyone tells me that I have good bone structure for short hair which is good to know but I still want my long hair. It's difficult to feel pretty when you're not comfortable with certain parts of yourself but I'm learning to accept myself as is. If you don't like it then get the f**k out of the way. I don't have time for it. Now here's a picture collage that a friend sent me with my favorite actress.


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