I Hate Cancer!

I felt like sharing this video of Soraya. She was a latin- American musician that died of breast cancer in 2006. She was only 37 and her grandmother, mom and her aunt died of breast cancer too. Her initial diagnosis was at 31. It sucks to think of so many young women dying from this stupid disease. I was also diagnosed at 31 and I'll be turning 34 in a few weeks. My goal is to make it until my son graduates high school but I would love to make it longer than that. I just think something needs to be done. We need to get more research going. Prevention is good but a cure sounds a lot better don't you think? I don't want to die in my 30's. Or my 40's. I want to live and it makes me so angry sometimes to think that I have to go through this shit. Life is already stressful enough.

I hate cancer!

I need a vacation.


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