21 Months

I think I've kind of lost count with how many PET-CT scans I've had but I had one of many this week. And the results are in:


So far I've been NED for about 21 months and it's such a great feeling. It really does give me hope that I WILL be around to watch Cruz grow up. I know that eventually my disease will catch up to me but I have to continue to enjoy the present. It's not that easy though so don't judge me if I'm not all sunshine and flowers every day. 

Right now my main focus is mostly trying to save money so I can pay off medical expenses. I'm a single mom with cancer living in the Bay Area. That's three strikes but so far I'm able to do it on my own. Tight budget but manageable. I have to prepare for the future though and I really need to start putting more money away for Cruz. I want to make sure he's taken care of so I recently became an independent consultant with Rodan & Fields. If you would like to check out my website and learn more about the skin care products available please click on this link. Or you can send me an email. I would appreciate the support. You would not only be helping me out but you would be getting great skin as a bonus. 

I can't express how happy I am to be NED though. When I first learned that it was too late for me to be cured I was completely devastated but over time I have learned how to live one day at a time. Like I've said before, it's not easy but I have no choice. Cruz is my motivation and we are both working hard to be happy. So, three more months until the next scan and I intend to make the best of them. (Especially since my birthday is next week!)


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