Birthday Celebration!

I think my wish to have a good, decent birthday has finally come true. Even though I had to work it was still okay. My co-workers got me a cake, flowers, balloon and a gift card to get my favorite thing: coffee! I'm addicted to coffee. It's my top vice and I'm okay with that. I also went out to dinner with my favorite little man and my niece where I got to wear a big sombrero while the staff sang happy birthday to me. I got to drink my favorite margarita and later on that evening went out for a beer with a friend. And yesterday I went out to dinner with more good friends and the celebration will continue at the end of the week. So far, good birthday. To top it off I had a patient who thought I was 23! It's always nice when people think I'm younger. Most people don't believe I'm in my 30's. Sometimes I still can't believe I'm in my 30's.

It's kind of funny to think that here I am trying not to die young but also worrying about getting older. I do want to get older though. I'd much rather get old for the chance to see Cruz grow up, get married and have children but can't I get older without the wrinkles? I guess if I think about the alternative though I'll take the wrinkles over dying and leaving Cruz while he's young. I need to know that he'll be alright before I leave this world and it's definitely not that time yet. He needs me. It's a good thing I had a good scan. I hope for many more good scans and birthdays. I know that things can change in an instant but I'm trying to remain hopeful that everything will turn out okay. There's just no other option but for everything to work out. So, Happy Birthday to me! I'm still alive!


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