
I'm feeling slightly overwhelmed. I think I just need to become more assertive with my decisions. I'm just tired of the one being hurt all the time and letting people take advantage of me. It's my own fault though because I always want to please everyone and I don't speak up when I should. I'm getting better at communicating my feelings though because I realize that I need to take care of myself. But now that I am standing up for myself I'm feeling the backlash and it's hard. I have to learn how to let it go, brush it off and move on. It's definitely not that easy but I know it's for the best. I guess I just need some peace and stability in my life. 

The school year has also just begun and Cruz has started the third grade. He's getting so big and I can't believe so much time has passed. I remember when he started kindergarten. I guess time is just flying by. He'll probably be as tall as I am within the next two years. I enjoy watching him grow up. He's gone through so much in his little life but I know that he's strong enough to get through it all. He's resilient and when something really bothers him he always comes to me and talks about it. I also try to answer his questions about my cancer whenever possible but I try not to push anything unless he asks. It must be strange though because as far back as he can remember I've always had cancer. That's all he knows. He doesn't remember me without cancer. I think that the separation between his father and I adds to the whole situation. But like I said, he'll get through it. He's a strong little man. I just hope that he grows up to be a responsible young man with a loving heart. 


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