It's Official: 2 Years NED

Can I just say that I am so exhausted! I feel like no matter how much sleep I get, I'm just always sleepy and it makes me feel so guilty. I don't want my fatigue to affect Cruz in any way but sometimes it becomes so overwhelming that I can't help but fall asleep in the middle of the day. I try to take naps on my days off work while he's at school except for today. I woke up early this morning to drive into San Francisco so that I can get my PET-CT scan and echo. Got into SF at 7am for my 7:30am appointment. I was taken to the back where they started my IV so that I can get the radioactive tracer and the contrast dye. I have to say that the medical assistant did a great job in starting my IV. Didn't hurt one bit but before I had a chance to notice he did swab my arm with Chlorhexidine which I'm allergic to. Not to worry. I just have a small itchy rash.

After I received my tracer and drinking a whole water bottle I sat and read for an hour so that the tracer can slowly circulate throughout my system. I also took 1mg of Ativan so that I could make it through the process without a severe panic attack. I didn't want last Thursday to repeat itself. I had my infusion of Herceptin/Perjeta last week and I had a big panic attack with full on numbness to my extremeties. NOT FUN. But anyway, I made it through my PET-CT scan and echo. The Ativan and lack of sleep really hit me though because I had a hard time staying awake the whole day. I was practically asleep through the echo except that I have to follow breathing instructions to get my ribs out of the way. 

And so, on to the great news because my oncologist is AWESOME! I love that she tries her best not to let me wait to hear results. And the results are....drumroll please.....


According to the report everything is stable with no new areas of metastases. The known areas of metastases are not showing any metabolic activity at this time. Another 3 months of relief. Now to celebrate because I am officially 2 years NED. 


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