Work Stress Sucks

I need a vacation so bad. The stress is becoming overwhelming but I'm trying to relax on my days off from work. I love being a nurse but I think the people you work with really make a difference and it's hard when someone doesn't support you. Practically all of my coworkers have been supportive of me throughout this shitty diagnosis but all it takes is one person....

I want to feel comfortable going to work. I don't want my panic attacks to come back because of all this stress. I feel like passing out pamphlets of information regarding metastatic breast cancer so people can understand that my immune system sucks now so I WILL get sick. And guess what else? I have doctors appointments. Lots of them. And it's INCURABLE, which means this is not going to just go away. 

You know, I get up every morning. I go to work, I take care of Cruz, I go to doctors appointments, I get my infusions, I see a therapist, I clean my house, I run errands, I live my life. Every once in awhile I get to do something fun. I'm a damn good nurse and mom. I'm also doing this all by myself! It's hard but I have no choice but to live my life. I have enough stress going on between cancer and trying to figure out how to pay for medical bills and I expect to go to work in a safe, non-judgmental environment. Is that too much to ask?


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