Another Year

I had a really good holiday this year. I got to spend time with my family and my wonderful Cruz. With the help of his Papi he got me a locket for Christmas with his picture in it. I have to copy one of his baby pictures so I can shrink it down to locket size that way I can have his baby picture on one side and a current picture on the other. I also got to eat tamales! It was also nice to have a few days off from work. Too bad I had an infusion appointment to interrupt but that's okay. It wasn't too bad. At my next infusion I will have an MRI of my shoulder to finally find out what is causing the pain. These are the things I have to look forward to. Another year gone by and more appointments to come in my future. 

I can't believe another Christmas has gone by and that in less than a week it will be 2015. I'm hoping that this year ends on a really good note. A few good things are happening for me right now and I'm just hoping that they don't blow up in my face. I really need to start the next year off right. I just wish I had something exciting planned for New Year's Eve. I feel like I need to go out and do something fun. I should celebrate that I'm still here. I'm alive! That's one of the most exciting things that has happened for me this year. I'm hoping to celebrate many more Christmases and New Year's.

A picture from my infusion last week.


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