Happy News

So, the good news is that I do not have cancer in my right shoulder. Yay! I had my MRI yesterday which was definitely an experience. Before my MRI I pre-medicated myself with 1mg of Ativan just to calm myself down because that machine seems so small when you're inside it. I figured I could just take a nap while I'm in there which will make the time go by faster except the tech kept waking me up! It was so annoying. I've never had that happen before. They usually just let you sleep. Easier for them and easier for me. This tech would actually go inside the room and peek inside and tell me to wake up. It was not fun. I was finally able to take a good nap once I had my infusion of Herceptin/Perjeta. After I got home I took a nap as well. Between Ativan and Benadryl I was so tired yesterday. Woke up for a few hours to eat and went to bed. 

I'm going to try and relax today but that hardly ever works out. I always end up cleaning or doing something. Plus, I go back to work tomorrow. Sigh... I've been so anxious waiting to hear back from a possible new job opportunity. I just really need a change. I need to go somewhere where there's room to grow and where there's no judgement due to my illness. I obviously cannot hide my illness and I don't want to but I want to be somewhere where I get adequate support. I want to find joy in going to work again. I love being a nurse but when you're not in the right work environment it can be challenging. I am so ready for something new; a breath of fresh air. So, please God? Help me get some more good news and more peace in my life. I think I'm due for more happy news, don't you think?


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