My New Normal

It's been a long month but at the same time it flew by. It just means I'm one month closer to having to go back to work. Ahhhhhh! That's how I feel about that. Please don't think that I don't love being a nurse. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE it! I love my patients. I love taking care of them and being a part of their recovery process. I love making a difference during a tough part of a patient's life. I just don't like being treated like shit every time I go to work. And it's not the patients that do it, just to clarify. I'm just hoping that something works out for me at another facility and SOON cuz I missing taking care of patients. I actually miss inserting a foley catheter. I've been told by patients that I'm pretty good at that so that says something. Lol. I miss giving injections, setting up IV's, hanging IV antibiotics, basically I miss helping my patients. 

At the same time, I'm enjoying some parts of my time off. I don't feel so stressed and tired all the time. I don't have to worry about when to eat because I'm always close to home. My liver pain has decreased as well so I'm pretty sure the stress was aggravating it. I get to spend more time with Cruz and his dad which is always a plus and I've had the opportunity to meet many of my Mets Sisters. I've also had more time to dedicate to finally going back to school to finish my Master's Degree but instead of finishing my Master's in Leadership and Management I've decided to change tracks completely. I've officially been accepted to the Family Nurse Practitioner Program which starts this Fall! Can't wait to start although I'm not looking forward to the homework. Currently I'm completing all the required paperwork and background check for the program and I get to go to orientation at the end of May.

It's a two year program but I've already taken some of the classes during my time in the L & M track so I don't think I'll have to go full time each semester. Unfortunately it'll still take two years cuz I have to go with everyone else's progress but that's ok. I think the part that concerns me at times is the fact that I hope I'm still around in two years so that I can actually graduate. So far I'm doing well so there's a pretty good chance I'll be able to graduate in 2 years but we all know things can change fast. At least my teachers know my situation so they've been pretty understanding and I'm so happy they're giving me a chance despite my diagnosis.

I have a scan coming up so I guess we'll see if my cancer is going to affect school this fall. No matter what the scan says I'm still going back to school. It would just suck to have to change treatments and deal with new side effects while I'm working and going to school. I guess whatever happens, happens and I'll deal with it when the time comes. That's my new normal. 


  1. Awesome! I have a master's degree and I am very proud of completing it. Good for you for sticking through it. I hope you find the job in the right facility soon!


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