A Night in the ER

I recently spent a few hours in the ER for severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Yep...the highlight of my year. Last Thursday as I was trying to finish my homework for school my body decided that I didn't need any fluids in my body so starting at about 8pm began one of the worst nights of my life. I have never felt so sick. I absolutely HATE throwing up! Diarrhea...I don't mind as much since it has basically become my new normal with my cancer medications. But this...This was out of control. I couldn't even keep down water. I tried to hydrate but it just wasn't happening. And the pain was really intense. So intense that I couldn't stand up straight. At about 11pm I realized that there was no way I would be able to go to work on Friday so I called off which I really hated to do because I really need the money to pay for my health insurance. At 1am I couldn't take it anymore. The pain and vomiting were not ending so I woke up Cruz and walked him over to my neighbor's so that they could watch him while I took myself to the ER. Of course, because they're awesome neighbors, they offered me a ride to the ER and I took it because I don't think I could've driven myself. 

While in the ER I got some pain medication and was given 2L of IV fluids to re-hydrate my body. Even after 2L of fluids I could still only pee half a cup. That's how dehydrated I was. I still feel as though I'm recovering and I have no idea what was wrong. The doctors seem to think it's my liver or gallbladder which is really scary considering that's where my cancer spread. I've had so many friends die recently and some of them because their liver failed due to cancer. And many of them were doing really well and all of a sudden...they weren't. It's scary as fuck. And I hate that people don't get it. So please don't give me the be positive crap speech. All it does is piss me off. 

I want to be able to relax and recover sometimes but I don't get that luxury. Even though I didn't go to work on Friday, I went back Saturday and Sunday. Today was my only day off before going back to work again and I still had to go to a cancer appointment. I had to go get my heart checked to make sure that my life-saving cancer medications aren't killing my heart in the process. I'm so tired but I have to keep working. Right now, I'm basically working to pay for my health insurance. Anyway, if my family is reading this. Don't worry, I'm fine. This just sucks. 


  1. The ER is no fun. I am glad they got you hydrated. Hopefully it was a bout with food poisoning? *hugs*


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