So Tired

Why does growing up still feel like high school? It feels like no matter how old you get you still encounter the same issues. I feel like I'm always going to be the girl on the outside looking in. Even at my age I don't feel like I belong with the other mothers from school. There are only a few that I feel like truly make the effort with me and I feel comfortable hanging out with and asking for help. Maybe I'm just not "friend" material especially now that I have Stage IV cancer. Not sure if maybe my situation scares people or if I'm truly not like-able. I get it that I have a fucked up life right now not including cancer but still...everyone should have someone they can talk to. I used to try to make friends with other people in my neighborhood but I guess I'm not too good at it. I guess I have to get comfortable with being alone. Maybe I'm just too sensitive...I don't know. All I know is that I'm tired of trying. Making friends shouldn't be so difficult. My body and mind are so exhausted. I don't want to beg people to spend time with me anymore. 

To top it off, we're going through another round of deaths in my cancer support groups and it's all so hard to take. I can't help but think that it's going to be me someday soon making arrangements for hospice and my funeral. Is anyone even going to care other than my family? I don't know. I'm just so sad and exhausted this week. All I want to do is sleep but sleep won't come on a consistent basis and I'm tired of crying myself to sleep when I do sleep. I'm tired of putting on the smile in order to make everyone else feel comfortable. I'm just tired...


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