Scan Update Tuesday June 14 I had a bone scan, CT scan of chest and abdomen, and an echo. I've been hesitant to post an update because I think most people either don't care or just don't believe I have cancer anymore. I assure you that I do still have cancer. Once you're Stage IV you can't go is INCURABLE. But I have been one of the lucky ones and I'm still here after the 2-3 year life expectancy. Does that mean I'm cured? NO. It just means that I'm lucky. My CT scan of my abdomen showed that the liver spots are still gone but I still have some lung nodules that were never biopsied that are stable. We're just going with the "wait and see" plan with those. They've never grown so that's good but I'd rather not biopsy unless they cause problems. If you don't know...biopsies hurt. My breast tumors are still gone as well. I never had a mastectomy so yes, these are my real boobs and if you've read my previous blogs you know why I didn't get a mastectomy. My cancer had already spread when I found those tumors so no point really to get a mastectomy.

But anyway, my rib is still showing as being fractured and who knows if that will ever heal. As long as I'm not in too much pain, I'm ok. Also my echo shows that my heart has improved. Last time my ejection fraction decreased to 62% which is the low end of normal but it has managed to jump back up to 71% which is really good. It means that I'm not going into heart failure which is THE main side effect of my cancer medication. On the down side, I've been feeling extremely tired lately. Sometimes, it's difficult to keep my eyes open. This is the worst because it keeps me from being able to do the normal everyday things that mom's do. When I get home from work all I want to do is get into bed and take a nap but I don't because I have home responsibilities like cooking and cleaning. I try the best I can. I honestly do. The fatigue just gets worse as time goes on and it's been 3 years on the same medication. Let's just say, its getting to me now. 

But I'm one of the lucky ones so I should'nt complain too much. I have a friend that I met a year ago that just went into hospice. I'm so sad and feel helpless because I can't make her better. I wish she didn't have to go yet but there's nothing I can do but hope that she has a peaceful transition. And also hope that I have a peaceful transition when my time comes. How long do I have? I'm not sure...but I hope that it's enough time for me to make a positive impact on my son's life. 


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