One of Many Cancerversaries!

With the stressful day I had yesterday I completely forgot that yesterday was the anniversary of my last chemo. I have been off chemo for a whole year! I'm still getting IV infusions but it definitely does not compare to chemo. Those last two months of chemo were definitely horrible. It involved lots of physical pain and crying. I guess it involved a lot of emotional pain and loneliness as well. But it's over and it's been over for one year! My son said to me today "I'm glad you don't have cancer anymore" which was so sweet. Technically, I still do (just too small to see) but I'm happy that he's happy and we just have to enjoy this time together.

I feel empowered today. I have generally been a very submissive and quiet person but I'm starting to stand up for myself more and I'm no longer going to be the quiet girl in the corner. It's weird because with my family I'm definitely not this way but with everyone else I am. I'm starting to be more assertive and you know what.....I like it. If I can get through chemo, surgery and radiation, I can get through anything. So watch out! I am still here and I don't plan on leaving for a long time. I'm definitely keeping my head up.

Working hard!


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