Oncology Update

I had an appointment with my oncologist last week and got my infusion of Herceptin/Perjeta. So, we're gonna keep doing the infusions and I scheduled a PET-CT scan and echo for July. It seems as though these 3 month increments just fly by. I feel like I just had a scan and now I have to go back again for another. I guess it's time to refill my prescription for Ativan. I really hate CT scans. The dye gives me such anxiety so it's nice to be able to take some Ativan and hopefully fall asleep during the scan. The PET part is not so bad, it's just uncomfortable sometimes. 

I had labs taken last week too and I'm happy to announce that my Cancer Antigen 15-3 is normal once again. My level is 15 and the level that is considered normal is less than 33. Since chemo ended, my levels have ranged between 12-18 which is really good. So far this specific lab has worked really well in predicting my cancer so I'm going to go with it until it stops working. I think that's pretty much my life attitude right now. I'm just gonna go with it. I don't get too nervous far in advance from my scans like I used to. Now I just start getting anxious the night before and mostly it's because I hate the dye so much. 

I'm just really happy that I'm still doing okay physically. Emotionally, I still struggle but I just have to keep moving forward. There's no other choice. I have a 7, almost 8 year old that I need to see grow up. :) Now, just enjoy this song.


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